Provide a simple string.format method
"{0} is old, {1} is new, {0} long lives".format("ASP", "") //console "ASP is old, is new, ASP long lives"
jquery dialog plugin based on bootstrap css
<div id="loginwrap"> <form id="loginform" role="form"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="username">Username</label> <input type="username" class="form-control" id="username"> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="password">Password</label> <input type="password" class="form-control" id="password"> </div> </form> </div>
Create a dialog Run
Create a dialog which doesn't close on click on the background. Run
$("#loginwrap2").dialog({title:"Login", backdrop: "static"});
Create a dialog with (autoOpen or show) Run
$("#loginwrap").dialog({title:"Login", autoOpen: false});
Open a dialog Run
Rut the element to the old place, remove the overlay from DOM.
Override onClose event
$("#loginwrap").dialog({ title: "DEMO" , onClose: function() { // your handler $(this).dialog("destroy"); } });
Redefine the buttons Run
$( "#loginwrap" ).dialog( "option" , "buttons" , [{ text: "Ok" , click: function() { $( this ).dialog( "close" ); } }] );
Open dialog with buttons Run
$("#loginwrap").dialog({ title: "Login" , 'class': "mydialog" /*add custom class for this dialog*/ , onClose: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } , buttons: [ { text: "Close" , 'class': "btn-primary" , click: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } }, { text: "Login" , 'class': "btn-success" , click: function() { /*your login handler*/ $(this).dialog("close"); } }, { text: "Destroy" , classed: "btn-error" /*classed equal to 'class'*/ , click: function() { /*your login handler*/ $(this).dialog("destroy"); } } ] });
Open dialog with buttons: Object Run
$("#loginwrap").dialog({ title: "Login" , 'class': "mydialog" /*add custom class for this dialog*/ , onClose: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } , buttons: { "Close": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } , "Login": function() { /*your login handler*/ $(this).dialog("close"); } } });
Smaller Run
$("#loginwrap").dialog({ title : "Login" , dialogClass : "modal-sm" });
Bigger Run
$("#loginwrap").dialog({ title : "Login" , dialogClass : "modal-lg" });
jquery messager(message box) plugin based on bootstrap css
popup alert message
simple message Run
$.messager.alert("This is message!");
message with title Run
$.messager.alert("Title", "This is message!");
confirm message
with callback Run
$.messager.confirm("title", "This is message!", function() { alert("you closed it") });
localization, override message Run
$.messager.model = { ok:{ text: "关闭", classed: 'btn-default' }, cancel: { text: "取消", classed: 'btn-error' } }; $.messager.confirm("title", "This is message!", function() { alert("you closed it") });
popup message
$.messager.popup("This is message!");
custom css, apply and run again Apply
<style> .modal-open { overflow: auto; padding: 0 !important; } .modal.msg-popup { top: auto; } .modal.msg-popup .modal-dialog { width: 300px !important; margin: 30px auto 60px; } .modal.msg-popup .modal-body { background-color: #000; color: #fff; } .modal.msg-popup .modal-content { border: none; } </style> <script> $.messager.popup("Custom layout"); </script>
jquery datagrid plugin based on bootstrap css
load data from json object
<table id="tablewrap1" class="table table-striped"></table>
var $table = $('#tablewrap1'); var rows =[ {"name":"item12","type":"Free","sum":143400}, {"name":"item13","type":"Free","sum":3426919}, {"name":"item14","type":"Free","sum":3343312}, {"name":"item15","type":"Free","sum":120330}, {"name":"item16","type":"Not Free","sum":319492}, {"name":"item31","type":"Not Free","sum":321338}, {"name":"item13","type":"Unknow","sum":342219}, {"name":"item54","type":"Unknow","sum":231000}, {"name":"item36","type":"Unknow","sum":259451}, {"name":"item34","type":"Unknow","sum":449563} ]; $table.datagrid({ columns:[[ {title: "Name", field: "name"} , {title: "Type", field: "type"} , {title: "Number", field: "sum"} ]] }).datagrid("loadData", {rows: rows});
edit json data
<table id="tablewrap2" class="table table-hover"></table>
var $editTable = $('#tablewrap2'); $editTable.datagrid({ columns:[[ {title: "Name", field: "name", formatter: function(val) { //override default input field return val; }} , {title: "Type", field: "type", readonly: true} , {title: "Number", field: "sum"} ]] , edit: true , singleSelect: true //false allow multi select , selectedClass: 'danger' //default: 'success' , selectChange: function(selected, rowIndex, rowData, $row) { //allow multi-select //console.log(selected, rowIndex, rowData, $row); } }).datagrid("loadData", {rows: rows});
updateRow(index) Run
$('#tablewrap2').datagrid("updateRow", {index: 0, row: {name: "Good luck", sum: new Date() }});
updateRow Run
$('#tablewrap2').datagrid("updateRow", {row: {name: "Good luck", sum: new Date() }});
selectRow(index) Run
$('#tablewrap2').datagrid("selectRow", 1);
selectRow Run
unselectRow(index) Run
$('#tablewrap2').datagrid("unselectRow", 1);
unselectRow Run
getSelections Run
getSelectedIndex Run
getData Run
getConfig Run
getColumns Run
insertRow(index) Run
$('#tablewrap2').datagrid("insertRow", {index: 3, row: {"name":"new" + (Math.random() * 100 | 0)}});
insertRow() Run
$('#tablewrap2').datagrid("insertRow", {row: {"name":"new" + (Math.random() * 100 | 0)}});
deleteRow(index) Run
$('#tablewrap2').datagrid("deleteRow", 0);
deleteRow() Run
jquery tree view, depends on jquery.bootstrap.css
<div id="folder"></div>
var treeDataArr = [ { id: "root" , text: "Root" , attr: { yourfield: "your value" } , nodes: [ { id: "tool" , text: "Tool" } , { id: "users" , text: "Users" , active: true , nodes: [ {text: "Kris"} , {text: "Tom"} , {text: "Jerry"} , {text: "Dna"} ] } ] } , { text: "Guest" } , { id: "admin" , text: "Admin" } ]; $('#folder').tree({data: treeDataArr});
Custom icon and event (arrow) Run
var treeDataArr = [ { id: "root" , text: "Root" , icon: "glyphicon glyphicon-briefcase" , nodes: [ { id: "tool" , text: "Tool" } , { id: "users" , text: "Users" , active: true , nodes: [ {text: "Kris"} , {text: "Tom"} , {text: "Jerry"} , {text: "Dna"} ] } ] } , { text: "Guest" , icon: "glyphicon glyphicon-user" } , { id: "admin" , text: "Admin" , icon: "glyphicon glyphicon-cog" } ]; var $tree = $('#folder'); $tree.tree({ data : treeDataArr , folderIcon : 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down' , onClick : function() { console.log(arguments) } }).addClass('tree-arrow');
Options and defaults
, treeClass = 'nav' , activeClass = 'active' , folderIcon = 'glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close' , itemIcon = 'glyphicon glyphicon-file' , indentIcon = ''